
Applying to IDMANN Academy is a fairly straightforward process. Here are the basic steps involved:

  • Make sure you have an active email address as you will need it for this entire process.
  • Create an account on this web site (free) by clicking here to complete the pre-registration form.
  • You will receive the login credentials (via email) after your pre-registration is approved.
  • Complete the online application form. Save your submission.
  • The Admissions Office will review your application. (If additional information is required you will be contacted via email.)
  • Receive a link to pay the application fee.
  • Complete the payment using the provided link.
  • Receive admission decision via email.
  • Review admission package (if application is successful) and complete enrollment process using provided information.
  • Questions? Call or email using the provided information on this web site.

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