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Young students require a broad range of skills - BEYOND reading, writing and arithmetic - to prepare for adulthood. The IDMANN High Achievers' Camp (HAC) focuses on providing some of those additional skills. While the IDMANN Cooperative Parents' Alliance (CPA) caters to the core academic needs of students between the 1st grade and the 12th grade, IDMANN HAC is designed to engage students after-school and on weekends to develop critical life skills and formative career development experiences that will serve them well into adulthood. This program complements the core subjects students learn in school. It helps students find their own voice and begin to plan their individual lives. The goal is to provide them the tools they need for high achievement as well rounded human beings. That process starts early in life as it caters to students in all elementary and secondary classes, from the first grade up.

An important component of the High Achievers' Camp is that it endeavors to bring together students from different countries and diverse backgrounds to share the experience of developing these additional skills. By forming these diverse and integrated classes, students achieve expanded horizons and a broadened worldview, all from the safety of their homes. IDMANN HAC supports children in many countries where the language of instruction is English.

IDMANN High Achievers' Camp complements the normal school program for elementary and secondary school age students. (Families seeking core tutorial support for their children should refer to the IDMANN Cooperative Parents' Alliance (CPA).)

This online program engages students twice weekly, once on a weekday EVENING (typically after school) and again on weekends (typically on Saturdays). Students meet in small groups (typically <15) under the guidance of well trained and experienced instructors in the various subject areas. Classes are held in our secure online classrooms that are specifically designed for teaching and learning. The program is designed to provide stimulating and developmental engagement for the child.

Students are required to pick one module from each high achievement track (HAT). This is a 6-month program (with appropriate breaks for public holidays and festive periods). Students may opt to continue after the six months or sign up for a new set of modules. The three HATs are: professional, personal, and cultural. Special programs are available for families that need specific support for their children in these unique subject areas. They are outlined below. Our goal is to ensure that students learn to wear these (and many more) hats seamlessly as they advance into adulthood.




Professional Development


Personal Development


Cultural Development


Special Programs Notes
 Public Speaking Personal Finance & Money Management      
 Research Methods Consumer Sciences (Track I: Fashion, Personal Style & Garment making) International Language Practicum   (Students can choose from  languages offered in the International Language Program, subject to availability)  
Creative Writing Consumer Sciences (Track II: Cooking, Food & Nutrition)   Music (Piano)  
  Digital Art   Photography  
  Construction, Open Spaces & The Built Environment      
  Electrical, Electronic & Digital Technologies      


At IDMANN Academy, we believe it is NEVER too early to learn the life lessons that promote personal, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Our goal is not just to support academic growth but also to foster the emotional and professional development of the child into a well-rounded adult. IDMANN High Achievers' Camp includes classes in Money Management & Personal Finance, Public Speaking, Research Methods & Problem Solving, and many other areas. Children learn a foreign language; practice public speaking (in the presence of their peers, under the guidance of a coach); learn how money works and how to manage their finances; learn about various career options by interacting with professionals and trained counselors in various professions; and learn how to develop their own critical thinking about the world around them.

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