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IDMANN Academy operates online, providing critical tutorial services to a culturally and geographically diverse range of students and families. The IDMANN Global Summer Camp (GSC) is built on systems and practices we have developed over several years. It combines the key elements of our Private Tutor Program (PTP) and our High Achievers' Camp (HAC) into a compelling summer offering for students (1st grade to 12th grade).

During the weekdays students get a one-on-one instructor to work with them on the core academic subjects (English Language Arts, mathematics, science, social studies, etc.). These sessions are led by experienced teachers and are intended to ensure each student is well prepared (even advanced) for the coming academic session. The one-on-one nature ensures that students can have their weaknesses addresses properly and thoroughly without peer pressure. It also gives room for the teacher to develop areas of strength for the individual student.

On certain weekdays and on weekends, students come together in small groups to take elective courses led by experienced specialists in the respective areas. These electives are focused on personal growth and professional development. They include modules in music, public speaking,  photography,  fine art, financial management, food & nutrition,  fashion & garment-making, digital  technology,  creative writing, computer  programming , and so much more. (For an introduction, watch this video on YouTube.) IDMANN GSC supports students and families in many countries where the language of instruction is English.


At IDMANN Academy, we believe it is NEVER too early to learn the life lessons that promote emotional, intellectual and psychological well-being. Our goal is not just to support academic growth but also to foster the emotional and professional development of the child into a well-rounded adult.

In addition to the core academic courses, children at IDMANN GSC could learn a foreign language; practice public speaking (in the presence of their peers, under the guidance of a coach); learn how money works and how to manage their finances; learn about various career options by interacting with professionals and trained counselors in various professions; and learn how to develop their own critical thinking by researching various topics, writing essays about them and presenting their findings and opinions to their peers and instructors. The goal is to help students find their own voice and begin to plan their individual lives. 

This online program supports students every weekday from 9a.m. to about 4p.m.  and on Saturday mornings (in the respective time zones). The program is designed to ensure that students are FULLY engaged through the summer. The academic component is delivered in one-on-one sessions by highly trained teachers, while the (elective) development modules are delivered in very small groups (typically <10) under the guidance of well trained and experienced instructors in the various subjects.

Classes are held in our secure online classrooms that are specifically designed for teaching and learning. The program is designed to provide stimulating and developmental engagement for the child. It also ensures that 'summer learning loss' is a thing of the past; at the end of the camp, students are well equipped and fully prepared for the next academic year.

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